Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I'm back! And so are my hopes of a movie version of THE GIVER!

Hello, friends! I'm all married and honeymooned and back to the real world!

I have a delightful post all set to go tomorrow, but first I wanted to share a link I found via GalleyCat about a Variety article on a potential film version of THE GIVER.

I kinda, sorta LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE that book. And would be anxious-but-sublimely-excited about a movie.

How about you guys???

Oh, and I promise we'll do an official wedding photo recap post, but until then...



  1. The Giver is one of my very favorite novels ever. So I'm REALLY nervous about any adaptation. I hope they take a lot of time and care with it. If they just try to throw up a YA dystopian movie because they're popular now, I'll die inside.

    Also, yay wedding! Thanks for sharing the awesome photo.

  2. I too love The Giver - I re-read it every few years and it still holds that same magic. Like Annie mentioned, I'm also cautiously excited about a movie version, especially so many years after the book's release. It could be really good, or serve to tarnish the book.

    And welcome back! Congrats on your marriage and hope you had a very lovely honeymoon!

  3. I am remaining cautiously optimistic. Most film projects mentioned in Variety do not make it to production. "In development" can be a loooong process. But I think Jeff Bridges would be great in this!

    And mazel tov!!!


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