Saturday, April 28, 2012

We're here, and we're writing!

Hey everyone! We're at our retreat house and it's super cute and surrounded by goats and chickens and a white horse. But starting at noon, the writing begins!

Follow (and join in on) our word war on Twitter -- #FNCwordwar
Who's tweeting what?
Donna - @donnagambale
Frankie - @frankiediane
Sara - @sara_sans_h
Janine - @firstnovelsclub

See you on Twitter, and happy writing!


  1. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. Hope you get a lot accomplished, and have a great time while doing it ladies!

    1. Thanks, Jaybird! We're having a blast--AND being super productive. Together we wrote over 26,000 words today! Can't believe we have to go home soon!


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