Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Five happy things!

Monday is my birthday, and everyone's asking me what I'm doing to celebrate. Well, I'm spending two days* in NYC surrounded by books and authors and people who love books and authors. And I get to meet John Green. Pretty much the best birthday ever.

* Sadly, lack o' vacation time means I can't stay for Thursday's festivities.

2. It's summer!
Summer in a bottle.
At least in Philadelphia, summer has arrived. Sure, the awful humidity makes you feel gross about 2.2 seconds after you step outside, but summer means barbecues and pools and beach vacations and cold drinks and flip flops.

There's something about summer that makes me permanently feel like I'm eight years old. I hear the jingle of the ice cream truck and part of my wants to shriek, "ICE CREAM MAN!!!" and I'm totally tempted to run through every sprinkler I see.

3. This.
I'm a sucker for pretty (badass) things, and I can't wait to read this!

4. Puppy snuggles
I've been dogsitting for the past week while my sister's on her honeymoon, and though I could do without the squeaky toys and the picking up poo thing, there is something delightful about a dog snoozing in your lap or tumbling all over you. And when they greet you, just wriggling with happiness and excitement? Impossible not to smile.

5. Three years o' blogging.
Over a month ago, our third blogiversary passed quietly, but when I think about it, I can't believe how much blogging has changed my life. It's made me become so much more passionate about books and writing; my bookcase is a "library" and my friends ask me for recommendations; and I've made so many blogger/author/bookseller friends. Cheers to three years!

What happy things are going on in your life? Anyone else headed to BEA?


  1. WOOT! Can't wait to celebrate your birthday and go to BEA!

  2. Animals definitely bring joy to your life! And, your blog brings a ray of sun to many of us first-time novelists. Thanks for starting this blog!

  3. Woohoo for 3 years and summer! Actually, yay for all of this list! Especially about puppy snuggles. I just adopted a puppy & he's so ridiculously cute!

  4. Awesome you're going to BEA. So wish I could go. I'd love to pick up all those ARCs.


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